
Come and check your health

When: Saturday 14th October 2023

What time: Drop in between 10am-2pm

Where: Mill Road Baptist Church, 178 Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3LP

The Health Expo is a chance for a health check-up. We will have multiple stations to check key health markers, as well as advice and resources on hand to signpost to lifestyle changes and health professionals where these are helpful. 

We will be able to measure: health and weight, BMI, peak flow (a measure of how quickly you can expel air from your lungs), blood pressure, blood glucose, heart rate when exercising, resting heart rate, how healthy your eating is and give an overall “health age”. We will also be able to share recipes and local ideas for living a holistic healthy lifestyle.

We care a lot about health. Many of our regular church attenders also work in healthcare professions and are very passionate about enabling everyone to live as healthily as possible, knowing that this makes a real difference to individual’s quality of life and the health of our community as a whole.

This is why we aim to run 2-3 health expos every year. Our last one was in October 2023 and we’re looking to the Spring of 2024 for the next one. As we plan other health events, such as talks or seminars, we will keep this page updated with the details!

So why do we care about health anyway?

The work of health care, healing and health education has been a collective emphasis among Adventists since the denomination’s earliest years. After all, caring for the wellbeing of others was central to Jesus Christ’s ministry when he walked on the earth.

Following the Holy Spirit’s guidance, church leaders upheld this focus as they began to see the connection between fundamental health principles and quality of life – and that there are many ways we can be better stewards of the bodies and minds God has given us.

Principles of Healthful Living

Adventists believe that focusing on health should be an intentional and voluntary decision for each individual, informed by the God who created us (because God knows all about us and how our minds and bodies work).

The acronym CELEBRATIONS describes 12 principles of healthful living that, when consistently practiced, result in a healthful lifestyle and an appreciation of living well.

Choices | Exercise | Liquids | Environment | Belief | Rest | Air | Temperance | Integrity | Optimism | Nutrition | Social Support.

How do you think you fair on these 12 principles in your life? Why not come along and have a chat about it? We can all make improvements with our health, so that we can be healthy and active for those we love.

* Content was adapted from this article: Why Whole-Person Health is Important to Seventh-day Adventists.