Our Church and Church Plant Services
Our Church family has been growing! And while this has been exciting it has also brought difficulties with fitting into the space we had. Therefore, as of 1st April 2023, we have begun meeting as two congregations, one in the usual building at Hobart Road and one in the Baptist Church on Mill Road. Both services are open to all and aim to be accessibly to families and to those who might just want to find out more!
Full details are provided below:
- Children’s Sabbath School Bible activities take place at both churches from 10:00-11:15 every Saturday.
- Our Youth/Young Adult Sabbath School Bible study will continue at Mill Road Baptist Church, also 10:00-11:15 on Saturdays, and available online via Zoom.
- Adult Sabbath School Bible classes are available in both locations, also 10:00-11:15 every Saturday.
Family Worship Services will run, for all age groups, at both church buildings from 11:30, until 12:30 at Mill Road and until 13-13:30 at Hobart Road.
Our Hobart Road Family Worship Service will continue to be accessible via Zoom for those unable to attend.
Scan the QR Codes below to help find the venues for our weekly worship services

What3Words: ///rushed.saints.movies